Yoga, Where do I Begin?
No really, where do I begin? The topic is vast. The practice can be found all over the planet. Babies do it, animals do it, your grandparents are doing it! But what is it and where does one begin? Or begin again? There are endless interpretations, but we’ll attempt to keep it simple. Yoga means union. Connection. Within and without. Body, mind, and soul. Between you and your world, you and all the other humans, you and the animals, the plants, between you and… things. What is union between you and your own body, your thoughts, your struggles and joys.
Have we lost connection? Yes! This is what happens, systems break down. Connections are lost. The email doesn’t send. And we endeavour to build them back up. Or build anew. In it’s very simplest form, yoga – hot yoga, karma yoga, ashtanga yoga, bhakti yoga, laughter yoga, beginner yoga – any kind of yoga you can find – is an effort in finding balance in its most pure form. It is a practice of coming back to your self, seeing who you are, coming to terms with your multitude, and living in the world in the most compassionate, balanced, abundant and connected way you can.
We make connections through correct thinking. Through breath awareness – that right here right now inhale and exhale. Over and over again. Pay attention to every single breath for one hour and see how your perspective, your thoughts, your physicality shifts. And yes, connection through the body as you move and bend and weave, to whatever extent you are able, that is all yoga. You’re not any better at it or any worse at it than any one else. We are all here finding our balance every single moment. And we are here to support each other in that journey that leads us to connection with each other.